Appleton Greene – Business Development

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Appleton Greene & Co Global – Executive Summary


Business Development by Appleton Greene & Co Global – Barcelona Miami Mexico City Madrid Monterrey Accountancy Construction Consultancy Real Estate Retail

Every company that wants to grow has a need to be on the loop in its industry or sector to find new costumers or retain the ones it has and sometimes, just marketing and/or sales, are not enough to achieve that goal. Business development is about creating opportunities for the value of the company to persist over the long term and it is an interaction of a combination of customers, markets and relationships that create these opportunities for growth. It is also an encompassing combination that uses strategy, personality and knowledge that aims at improving the value of the company. That is why a professional that can help on business development providing his/her services (not simply sales or marketing) in that matter is a valuable asset for any company looking for its growth. – Appleton Greene & Co Global

Appleton Greene & Co Global – The key success factor for becoming a good business developer is to believe on the company that you represent and the service/s or product/s that the company sells; to have knowledge of the market or sector you want to develop that business in and finally, to have a social personality that allows you to interact with people on any level (either vertically or horizontally) such as providers, sub consultants, clients, competitors, politicians, authorities, press. This, obviously, also means to have the right contacts or to be able to create the best contacts agenda for the company. Most of the BD efforts rely on underlying foundation of strong professional relationships based on trust, respect and mutual appreciation of each other.

Appleton Greene & Co Global – At the end, business development is nothing but business relationships and the capacity to interact with all the pieces (either within the company or external) that compose the strategic development of a company. This is basic to enabling the flow of value for the long term and something that the marketing department alone or the sales department alone usually are not capable to perform for obvious reasons, then it is when a business developer may bring on the table the solutions to achieve the final goal: the growth of the company but not only financially but also in prestige, quality of clients and reputation. These solutions brought by the BD specialist always integrate the strategic business development plan of the company (budget, goals, schedule), the marketing department and the sales department.

Appleton Greene & Co Global – Also, my personal opinion is that every single employee in the company needs to get involved and be engaged to that business development strategy. They need to know and somehow participate of the growth of the company because then it is easier to reach the goals that the business developer uses as a key success factors to develop the business (quality of the service/product, timings, professionalism, experience of the team, excellent customer relationship management). Having said that, I would define business development as a necessary and key element in a company to guarantee the permanence of the company on the highest position on your market’s ranking and to, also, guarantee the organic growth of the company.

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Service Methodology

Appleton Greene & Co Global – My previous professional experience before I became into a business development expert are sales, finance, marketing and strategic and project management and the service methodology I use is first to analyze the company and its actual situation, the services/products that offers and the company’s needs and expectations both, in results and timing; then I analyze the market and finally I prepare the business development plan (BDP) for the first year.

Appleton Greene & Co Global – All the information I need to analyze the company and its actual business development strategy has to be provided by the Company and, in overall terms, the information would be everything related to actual sales, profit, marketing strategy, production, customer relationship management program (if any), list of actual and potential clients, list of direct competitors.

Appleton Greene & Co Global – Once I have gathered and studied all the information, I like to have meetings with senior management of the company: CEO, CFO, Marketing Director, Customer Relationship Manager (and any Director that management considers that need to be involved in the BD process) to get and integrate their feedback and knowledge on several key aspects of the company to make sure the organization is capable of implementing the growth opportunity successfully.

Appleton Greene & Co Global – After these conversations I put together all the information gathered, I develop the strategic plan for business development, I make a presentation to senior management or the Board of Directors of the plan proposed and once I get their approval, all the responsible for the departments of the company that will be directly involved on that plan are notified and engaged as well. Also, as a tool, I use the Business Model which is very important to know and determine the real sources that can help making money and once we know that, then I use my analytical backup and experience for implementing the Business Development Plan (BDP). Finally the implementation of the BDP is the last step on the process achieving the success on its growth the company expects (or even better) in a reasonable period of time.

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Service Mission

Appleton Greene & Co Global – My goal as a Business Development consultant for your company is to achieve the greatest success your company has ever had in all aspects: improving sales, enhancing or reinforcing its reputation, creating new interesting and long-term professional relationships and participating on its organic growth. It is very important for me to give the best image of your company collaborating directly with marketing and sales departments targeting new markets, new clients, clients that resist doing business with your company (creating a pipeline of potential clients) and any potential source of business for you and your organization that has not yet been considered and/or contacted.

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Appleton Greene & Co Global – The only way to achieve that is to team up or becoming “partners” with the company, its senior management and even the employees to truly believe on what we are developing and be able to reach our goals. Also to establish some new communication bridges between the company and the potential marketing it has out there through top level contacts are another of my primary goals. My personal experience in that sense is that opens up a wide and broad spectrum of opportunities that usually marketing and sales do not explore converting your company on an interesting focus for the market and press (which is also very important).

Appleton Greene & Co Global – My mission as a Business Development consultant is to bring inspiration and motivation to your company to facilitate the challenges and fears that a growth may have and make that growth plans to become real. In other words… my mission is your success!

Appleton Greene & Co Global Ms Juliol

Ms. Juliol MPM is an Accredited Executive Consultant (AEC) at Appleton Greene

Appleton Greene & Co Global – Ms Juliol is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in customer service, management and marketing. She has achieved a Master in Project Management and a Certificate in Management & Business Administration. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Construction; Consultancy; Accountancy and Retail. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; United States of America and México, or more specifically within the following cities: Barcelona; Madrid; Miami FL and Mexico DF. Her personal achievements include: facilitated project management improvement process; rebuilt accounting department & made profit; best MEP engineering firm 2007; Top Young Executive 2009 and City of Miami Best Green Commission Member 2007. Her service skills incorporate: client relationship; project management; business development and customer service.

To find further information about the Business Development service through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE.

20 Consulting Service Examples

Appleton Greene & Co

There are currently some 650 Accredited Consulting Services (ACS) provided by Appleton Greene worldwide. Here are 20 examples.

01. Business Administration
02. Business Development
03. Business Optimization
04. Crisis Management
05. Customer Development
06. Energy Management
07. Entrepreneurial Leadership
08. Investment Consulting
09. Marketing Optimization
10. Marketing Transformation
11. Process Excellence
12. Product Management
13. Risk Analysis
14. Soulful Leadership
15. Sustainable Development
16. Transitional Growth
17. Value Innovation
18. Retirement Planning
19. Change Strategy
20. Product Lifecycle

For further information about Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE.
For further information about the Business Development service, please CLICK HERE.

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